Link SKUs (& variations) - kits, combos, & sync inventory between eBay accounts
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inventory sync across sales channels
N m
Would like to be able to sync inventories across all sales channels by using a master data store based on the SKU.
Great news!
Now you are able to manage inventory by SKU across all your eBay accounts and marketplaces with 3Dsellers SKU Stock Linking.
Please, read the article attached below for more details about our new feature:
Kind regards,
Team Ausgeknipst
Any updates on this one?
James SUN
Yes, it was the function I recommend long time ago. We would like a master stock database. The sale of a specific(same) SKU from any listing will point to stock of it in the master stock database. If master database of this SKU went to 0, all SKU from relating listings went to 0.
eg master stock database SKU- AB0001 Qty 10
3 listings include AB0001
listing 1
listing 2
listing 3
if sold 1 from each of them, then master stock went down to 7. What we can benefit from? that's we only need to amend the master stock data if need. Like fill up the stock to 100 or minimize stock to 0. Instead of change the stock number from each listing which is hard and uncontrollable.
Another ERP I used before was with this function and very convenient.
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quantity for multi items
Avi Assa
I mean, if I have e.g. 2 auctions with the same product and if product is sold from 1 auction, is stock go down on 2nd auction as well
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Manufacture Quantity
Marisa Martins
2 different item ID, when it is sold would like both to come out of the manufacture quantity inventory
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Link "Master" products to listings
Claire McJury
E.G, if you buy 100 blank t-shirts, and have 50 different listings, every time a listing that is linked to the master product, it depletes the total "master item" inventory......all items and variations could still display the eBay limit you set, as this is a great feature.
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Andrea Innocenti
Is there a possibility in the future that when I sell a product in Italy (for example) the stock in all countries will be updated (having the same sku?
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Sync multiple listing inventory which are using the same sku
Valentin Rau
Sync inventory for listing which are using the same sku
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